Since the commercialization of biotech crops 10 years ago, the demands of farmers have driven biotechnology crops to grow at a double-digit rate each year. Dr. Clive James, chairman and founder of the International Service Organization for Agricultural Biotechnology Applications (ISAAA), recently pointed out that in 2005, four more countries and more than 250,000 farmers joined the ranks of growing biotech crops, which is the growth of the global biotechnology crop acreage. 11% part. At present, Chinese farmers have planted 3.3 million hectares of biotech cotton.
Since the first commercialization of biotech crops in 1996, the global biotech crop acreage has increased dramatically in 2005 from 1.7 million hectares in 6 countries to 90 million hectares in 21 countries in 2005, an increase of more than 50 times. The global biotechnology crop has a target area of ​​400 million hectares. In 2005, 8.5 million farmers around the world planted biotech crops.
Dr. James said: “From farmers in the United States to farmers in Iran, and farmers in five EU countries have shown their trust and confidence in biotech crops, as demonstrated by the unprecedented high planting rates of these crops. The growing number of countries is also confirming the enormous economic, environmental and social benefits that such crops have."
At present, 2/3 of the 21 countries (14 countries) that cultivate biotech crops have reached the level of “large growersâ€, that is, 50,000 hectares or more of biotech crops were planted in 2005. These countries are the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Paraguay, India, South Africa, Uruguay, Australia, Mexico, Romania, the Philippines, and Spain.
In China, the current total cotton planting area has dropped by 10%, so the planting area of ​​biotech cotton has also dropped to 3.3 million hectares. However, the planting rate remained stable at 66%. According to a recent report from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the output of new biotech cotton is 25% higher than that of current cotton varieties, which may stimulate the increase in the new round of planting rate. India has shown the largest growth rate, which has increased by nearly three times. Its biotech cotton cultivation area in 2005 reached 1.3 million hectares, compared with 500,000 hectares in 2004.
James pointed out that in the next 10 years, there will be bright prospects for the continued growth of biotech crop acreage, especially in developing countries.
Since the first commercialization of biotech crops in 1996, the global biotech crop acreage has increased dramatically in 2005 from 1.7 million hectares in 6 countries to 90 million hectares in 21 countries in 2005, an increase of more than 50 times. The global biotechnology crop has a target area of ​​400 million hectares. In 2005, 8.5 million farmers around the world planted biotech crops.
Dr. James said: “From farmers in the United States to farmers in Iran, and farmers in five EU countries have shown their trust and confidence in biotech crops, as demonstrated by the unprecedented high planting rates of these crops. The growing number of countries is also confirming the enormous economic, environmental and social benefits that such crops have."
At present, 2/3 of the 21 countries (14 countries) that cultivate biotech crops have reached the level of “large growersâ€, that is, 50,000 hectares or more of biotech crops were planted in 2005. These countries are the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Paraguay, India, South Africa, Uruguay, Australia, Mexico, Romania, the Philippines, and Spain.
In China, the current total cotton planting area has dropped by 10%, so the planting area of ​​biotech cotton has also dropped to 3.3 million hectares. However, the planting rate remained stable at 66%. According to a recent report from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the output of new biotech cotton is 25% higher than that of current cotton varieties, which may stimulate the increase in the new round of planting rate. India has shown the largest growth rate, which has increased by nearly three times. Its biotech cotton cultivation area in 2005 reached 1.3 million hectares, compared with 500,000 hectares in 2004.
James pointed out that in the next 10 years, there will be bright prospects for the continued growth of biotech crop acreage, especially in developing countries.
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