Many cucumber growers now use black-skin squash as rootstock for grafting cucumbers in order to increase the disease resistance and cold resistance of cucumbers and increase the yield of cucumbers. However, many vegetable farmers grafted black seeded squash instead of being disease resistant, and more than half of the saplings in the ground have died. According to the practice, the author believes that there are three main reasons that cause grafted cucumber seedlings to die: one is the pest and harm, the second is that the grafting technology is not standardized, and the third is that improper management leads to wilting and death. The wilting caused by pests and diseases is mainly caused by bacterial infestation, fungal infection or damage by underground nematodes. Bacteria-infected grafted seedlings showed dark green wilting in the early stages of disease. The whole plant died shortly afterwards. The cross-section of the vascular bundle by hand squeezed the white pus and the catheter did not change color. The grafted seedlings after the fungal infection began to show wilting at noon and could be recovered sooner or later, and died after repeated days. The vascular bundles of diseased stems above the grafted interface were not browned, and there was no contraction at the stem base. In some planting areas, root-knot nematodes are generally more serious, and they mainly infect new roots of cucumber. After the roots of cucumber are damaged, they often induce some pathogens such as Fusarium to infect the soil and accelerate the root rot. After the roots are damaged, the normal absorption is affected, and the growth of the shoots is hindered, showing slow growth and short plants. Noon high temperature, strong transpiration, enough water or sooner or later the temperature can be restored to normal. After repeated several times, the plants gradually died. In order to prevent dead seedlings caused by pests and diseases, it is best to implement rotation cropping. It is impractical to disinfect the soil before planting to reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria. In the event of wilting, immediately irrigate the roots with 72% of Streptomycin WP 4,000 times or fumigate with chlorothalonil aerosol; use the method of deep tumbling flooding to kill the nematode and deepen the soil by 30 cm. , and then flood irrigation, so that the area of ​​10 cm deep water, keep for 3 days, can effectively kill nematodes. Normative grafting technology is also the key to the success of grafting. Since pumpkin seedlings grow fast, they must first sow cucumber seeds and then sow black-seeded squash 5-6 days later. This grafting when the size of the two are more consistent, easy grafting survival; grafting appropriate two-leaf pumpkin, cucumber seedlings true leaf length of 2 cm, the seedling age can not be too large; grafting more use of access method; grafting incision can not be too Shallow, 2/3 stem diameter is appropriate, and no incision can be left in the incision, otherwise it will affect the wound healing, resulting in grafted seedlings withered; grafted seedlings planted not too deep, in order to not exceed the grafted joint, if the soil buried interface The knife edge is easily infected by germs in the soil. Improper management also results in the death of grafted seedlings. Can not be flooded with water after grafting irrigation, water immersed knife edge caused by soil-borne bacteria infection, or cause root suffocation, resulting in toxic substances, so that root poisoning leads to wilting, it is best to use drip irrigation under the membrane. After 4-5 days of grafting, the water should be irrigated once. Afterwards, it should not be watered, and the seedlings should be properly planted. After grafting, the temperature of the shed is required to be higher, and the temperature is maintained at 28°C-30°C during the day and the night temperature is 16°C-18°C. The air humidity requirement for the first 3 days after grafting is above 90% and no light is visible. After grafting and survival, the grass can be gradually opened and the air humidity can be reduced by 60% to 65%.
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