Technical performance and use of electric heat transfer oil furnace

The electric heat conduction oil furnace is a kind of high-efficiency energy-saving heating equipment that uses electricity as a heat source and heat-conducting oil as a heat carrier, and is forcedly circulated by a hot oil pump to transfer heat to the heat equipment.
The electric heat conduction oil furnace has the characteristics of compact structure, small volume, light weight, simple installation and operation, fast heating and heating, no environmental pollution, etc. The computer automatically controls the temperature and can obtain a higher working temperature at a lower working pressure.

Technical performance and use of electric heat transfer oil furnace:
The electric heat conduction oil furnace has low pressure (≤0.4MPa) stable operation, computer automatic control, thermal efficiency can reach more than 90%, and electric heat conduction oil furnace is widely used in petrochemical, food, plastic, rubber, pharmaceutical, oil and fat materials, building materials industry, Textile printing and dyeing, and other industries, is a new type of ideal heating equipment.

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