Molecular Devices Nucleic Acid and Protein Detection Methods Highlights (I)

How to accurately and sensitively quantify nucleic acids and proteins is an important part of the success or failure of many experiments. Molecular Devices. The microplate reader offers a variety of reliable solutions for nucleic acid and protein detection. Combined with the powerful data processing capabilities of SoftMax Pro. software, it can generate quantitative results with one click, and can customize the format and export data according to user requirements.

  • Determination of double-stranded DNA using the SpectraMax plate reader and Quant-iT PicoGreen fluorescent reagent
  • Determination of DNA and RNA content using a SpectraMax plate reader with UV absorption
  • Cell proliferation was measured using the CyQUANT Cell Proliferation Kit
  • Patented optical path auto-correction technology corrects OD values ​​to standard 1 cm cuvette diameters
  • Determination of protein content using NanoOrange fluorescence method
  • Determination of protein content using Bradford and ELISA
  • Quantitative detection of trace DNA samples using fluorescence

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Fresh Sweet Corn Kernels

Corn has a more complete nutritional profile, making it ideal as a preferred food for scientific fat loss.

Generally speaking, sweet corn favors vegetables and sticky corn favors staple foods.

This classification is for the sweet corn (vegetable).

There are generally two ways to lose fat scientifically: exercise and controlled diet. Both are indispensable and must be combined for effective fat loss. Especially for people who are not particularly obese, we should consider the combination of exercise and diet control. In terms of diet control, take care that the daily intake of food is based on high quality protein and vegetables.

1. The time and intensity of exercise should be gradual. Exercise more than 1 hour a day is good.

2. exercise to control their mouths, eat less sugary food. If you are more gluttonous, you can use fruit sweet corn to satisfy your cravings. Fruit sweet corn is sweeter to eat, but it is low in sugar and satiety, which can help you control your diet.

Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd.'s Sweet Corn Kernels are vacuum-packed, healthy ready-to-eat foods with a small spoon at the bottom of each package that can be opened and eaten at any time.

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If you would like to work together, please send us a message on our website or contact us by email.

Sweet Corn Pellet,Sweet Corn Kernel,Corn Kernel,Roasted Corn Kernels

Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. ,

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