Renewal of the result mother branch: the purpose is to avoid the resultant parts being moved out year by year and cause the lower part to be bald. The pruning methods are: 1. Pruning the middle and long shoots. Double branch renewal: The result mother branch is cut according to the required length, and the adjacent lower part is mature The new shoots should be cut short with 2 shoots as preliminary shoots. When the preparatory branch is pruned in the winter of the following year, the previous branch is reserved as a new fruiting branch, and the next branch is cut to form a new preparatory branch; the original fruiting branch is retracted when it is cut in the winter and will be used year by year. This method proceeds sequentially. Attention should be paid to the selection and retention of preparatory branches and fruiting mother branches for double-branch renewal. As a result, the mother branches must be selected to retain those strong and fully developed branches, and the budget branches should be in the lower part of the fruiting mother branches to prevent the fruiting branches from shifting. 2. Renewal of single branches: no reserve branches are left during winter pruning, only the fruiting mother branches are kept. After sprouting in the following year, select the fine lower branches and cultivate them as the fruiting mother branches. Only the lower parts of the branches are cut during winter pruning. Single branch renewal mother branch cuts should not stay too long, generally should be pruned with short tips to prevent the resultant parts from moving out.
Renewal of growing branches and vines for many years: 1. Major renewal, where the main vine is removed from the base and renewed is called major renewal. Before the big renewal, the sprouting shoots from the surface or the new branches from the base of the main vine must be actively cultivated to make them new vines. When the new vines can replace the old vines, the old vines can be removed. 2. The update of side branches and vines by small update is called small update. Generally, in the case of poor fertilizer and water management, the side vines need to be updated every 4 to 6 years, and the retracting pruning method is usually adopted.
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