After falling leaves, cut a strip from the tree. After half a month throwing it under the tree, you will find that the branches are dry and dry, but all the branches that are not cut on the tree will not be dry and dry. This shows that the fruit leaves are lagging behind, and although the tree is not growing, the water and fertilizer and nutrients in the root system are still slowly transported to the tree. Although the tree is not long in winter, it still consumes nutrients to maintain the life of the tree. The more growth points on the tree, the more nutrients it consumes from fallen leaves to germination. There are no strips on the tree, and there are too many twigs. In order to reduce the consumption of stored nutrients by the weak tree from fallen leaves to germination, the weak tree must be cut early. Weak trees are cut early in winter and will save a lot of stored nutrients.
Wang trees have fewer branches. It is best to cut them before flower buds, so that the Wang tree consumes more nutrients in winter, it will not be strong, and the Wang tree will be cut before buds. At this time, the nutrition of the tree body has been transported to all branches and At the point of production, the cut branches will take away a lot of nutrients, which is also a way to weaken the growing tree. Others have suggested that cutting too busy trees after winter will not only weaken the tree but also increase the germination rate.
So the majority of fruit farmers, do you know? If there are weak trees and strong trees in the orchard, who should be cut first and who will be cut later?
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