The latest black technology: can you improve your memory?

Scientists used to think that we have been consciously doing short-term memory, such as a new name. If the brain scans, you will find that all the neurons used to remember that name are in the biubiubiu firing signal. But in a recent study published in the journal Science, scientists from the University of Rotterdam found that people also form memories when neurons do not have biubiubiu. This shows that there are several different ways of working for short-term memory. Most importantly, through transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), even lost memories can be retrieved.

First, Nathan Rose's team asked the participants to remember a picture, such as a face. They analyzed the brain activity of the participants' graphs to know which neurons were activated when they thought about the face, and which neurons were activated when they wanted other pictures.

Then they let the participants try to remember and identify another picture. This will distract them, and the "face" neurons have stopped biubiubiu, which means they should forget the face. But scientists used TMS to stimulate the "face" neurons, which began to bibiubiu at the same pace, as if they had re-remembered the face.

The latest black technology: can you improve your memory?

Behavior has also changed. In another experiment, the scientists showed the participants a lot of different pictures, saying that they would test them to see if they could identify two of them, such as a face and a word. Scientists then used TMS to stimulate brain regions that were used to remember other images that were not in the test range. What happened? TMS actually changed the memory and the participants became unable to recognize the two pictures. In other words, they originally wanted to remember picture A. As a result, the memory of picture B was activated and the brain generated an active error message.

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