There are often diseases in tomato planting, and growers who know more about it know the right medicine, but for the growers who have just started planting tomatoes, it is not clear what disease the tomato has, let alone how to cure it. Let's take a look at the 17 kinds of disease diagnosis and control methods for tomatoes!
First, the tomato is sick
Common diseases in tomato seedlings.
In the low temperature and rainy years during the nursery, the incidence is serious, and when the disease is serious, the seedlings are often killed.
The seedlings were damaged after being unearthed, close to the ground, and the stems were infected.
The beginning is a dark green water-stained lesion, which then turns yellowish brown and shrinks, the plants fall, but the stems and leaves remain green.
When the humidity is high, white cotton fungus can be seen on the diseased part and the ground.
At the beginning, only a few plants developed disease, but spread rapidly. After a few days, they spread to adjacent seedlings, causing the tablets to fall.
2. Chemical control
Bed soil treatment. Conventional seedlings can be mixed with metalaxyl + carbendazim, and can also cure a variety of other diseases.
Seed treatment. The seeds are sterilized by soaking seeds with warm soup or soaking seeds, and germination is carried out after soaking seeds.
Pharmacy selection. After the seedlings were found to have wilted and lodging, the seedlings were removed and promptly treated. Optional enoyl • manganese zinc, carbendazim + Daisenlian, cream urea, manganese zinc, carbendazim and other agents.
Second, tomato blight
One of the common diseases of tomato seedlings, newly emerged seedlings and large seedlings can occur.
The stem base of the diseased seed became brown, and the diseased part of the diseased body became thinner and the stems and leaves succumbed to death.
The slightly larger seedlings wilted during the day and recovered at night. When the lesions circled the stem for a week, the seedlings gradually died, but did not fall.
At the beginning of the disease, elliptical dark brown spots are formed, which have concentric circles and pale brown spider silk.
2. Chemical control
Bed soil disinfection: seedbed bed is applied with nail cream and addicted manganese zinc soil for seedbed disinfection.
Agent selection: chlorothalonil, mancozeb, Bacillus subtilis, and the like.
Third, tomato virus disease
Generally, the disease is lighter in the early stage of tomato in the greenhouse. After entering May, the fern leaves and mosaics begin to increase. After the autumn, the tomato virus disease is more serious than the spring greenhouse, mainly fern leaf and stripe virus.
There are three main types of tomato virus disease.
Mosaic type:
There are yellow-green phase or dark and shallow mottle on the leaves, the veins are transparent, the leaves are slightly shrunken, the diseased plants are slightly shorter, the new leaves are small, the results are small, the surface of the fruit is inferior, and the flowers are mostly flower-like.
Fern leaf type:
The leaves become stalked and deformed; the plants will be dwarfed to varying degrees.
Strip type:
Mainly on the fruit and stem. On the leaves, it shows brown spots or mosaics, and the veins on the back are purple.
On the stem, there are oily necrotic streaks with dark green to dark brown depression, and the diseased stems are brittle and easy to break.
On the fruit, many brown plaques of different shapes are formed, but the discolored part is only in the surface layer, and does not penetrate into the stem and the flesh. As the fruit develops, the diseased part is sunken and becomes a deformed stiff fruit.
2. Chemical control
Pest control
Viral diseases will spread through aphids and whitefly, and timely control of aphids.
Medicament: Optional imidacloprid, spirotetramat and the like.
Chemical control
In the case of tomato seedlings, planting, tying vines, snoring, spray 1% soapy water with 0.2% to 0.4% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 1:20-40 soy milk or soy milk powder to prevent contact infection.
Medicament: optional Ningnanmycin, morpholinium hydrochloride, copper acetate, copper sulphate, morpholinium and the like.
Fourth, tomato leaf mold
Tomato leaf mold is mainly harmful to leaves, and in severe cases it also damages stems, flowers and fruits.
(1) Leaf
The leaf disease begins with the middle and lower leaves and gradually expands to the upper part.
At the beginning, elliptical or irregular yellowish chlorotic spots appeared on the front of the leaves.
Later, the diseased part was born with brown mold or necrosis;
The primary white mold layer of the leaf back disease becomes a purple-gray to black dense velvet mold layer.
When the disease is heavy, the leaves are covered with lesions or lesions, and the leaves gradually curl and dry.
(2) stem
The onset of stems or stems is similar to the leaves.
(3) Flowers and Fruits
Causes the flower to wither or the young fruit to fall off.
The fruit lesions spread from the pedicle to the four sides, producing a nearly round hardened depression, with a long grayish purple to dark brown mold layer.
2. Prevention methods
(1) Open field cultivation
After the initial illness, remove the diseased leaves in time, spray the liquid to prevent and control, and pay attention to the prevention and treatment of the back of the leaves.
In the early stage of the disease, spray flusilazole, difenoconazole, thiophanate-methyl, carbendazim, Chunlei·Wang copper.
(2) shed cultivation
On sunny days, the spray may be selected from the group consisting of iprodione, thiophanate-methyl, chlorothalonil and carbendazim.
On a rainy day, you can use the powder or release chlorothalonil aerosol to control the smoke, apply it in the evening, and seal the greenhouse for 1 night to smoke.
5. Tomato early blight
Tomato seedlings and adult plants can be affected, and the incidence in greenhouses and greenhouses is heavier.
Mainly damage to leaves, stems, flowers, fruit and other parts, the most prone to the incidence of leaves and stems and branches.
(1) Leaf
The leaves appear as water-stained dark brown lesions, which are nearly rounded when enlarged, have concentric circles, and have light green or yellow halos on the edges. In severe cases, multiple lesions are combined into irregular large spots, causing the leaves to wither.
When wet, the lesion grows black mold.
The incidence begins with the lower leaves of the plants and gradually develops upwards.
(2) stem
On the stem, most of the branches produce brown to dark brown irregular round or elliptical lesions, and the surface is gray and black.
At the seedling stage, the base of the stem is ill, causing decay.
(3) fruit
The incidence of green fruit is mostly in the calyx or umbilicus, forming a dark brown near-round depression lesion.
In the later stage, the disease occurs from the crack or the stalk of the fruit stalk, and a round or elliptical dark brown lesion is formed near the pedicle.
The lesions are sag, there are concentric rings, and there are black mold layers on the spots. The diseased fruit is easy to crack and turn red early.
2. Chemical control
Use azoxystrobin, difenoconazole, oxazole, manganese zinc, etc., and evenly spray with water.
In the early stage of the disease, spray lotion, copper hydroxide, azoxystrobin, difenoconazole, oxazole, manganese zinc and the like.
6. Tomato bacterial spot disease
Seeding the infected seeds can cause the onset of seedlings. Both the seedling stage and the adult stage can be infected.
Damage to leaves, stems, fruits and fruit stalks.
(1) Leaf
Initially water-stained small spots, then expanded into dark brown irregular spots, no wheel pattern, surrounded by a yellow halo.
When the humidity is high, there is a pus in the late stage of the lesion.
(2) fruit
Young fruit is infected, and small spots appearing slightly up.
When the fruit is near maturity, the tissue surrounding the spot remains green for a long time, unlike other bacterial spot diseases.
(3) stem
Firstly, a water-soaked spot of rice grain size is formed, and the lesions gradually increase. As the lesion grows, the dark brown color is formed, and the shape is expanded from the spot to the ellipse, and finally the lesion is contiguous.
In the wet condition, white pus appeared in the late stage of the lesion.
(4) Flowers and fruits
When the flower bud is harmed, many black spots are formed on the bracts. When the black spots are contiguous, the bracts will dry out and cannot bloom normally.
The small spots in the early stage of the young fruit are slightly raised.
When the fruit is near mature, the flesh near the lesion is slightly sunken, the lesion is black around, the middle color is light, and there is a slight depression.
2. Chemical control
Copper hydroxide, thiabendazole, copper amide, neutrophin, copper thiabium, copper succinate and so on.
Seven, tomato gray mold
The flowering period is the peak of infection. It can occur from the beginning of the flower to the fruit setting.
The years with low temperature and continuous rainy weather are serious.
Stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits can be harmful, but they are mainly harmful to fruits, usually with a serious onset of green fruit.
The incidence of the leaves starts from the tip of the leaf and expands inward along the branch vein in a "V" shape.
It is water-soaked at first, and it is yellow-brown after unfolding. The edges are irregular, the depth and depth of the wheel pattern, the disease and health tissue are clearly demarcated, and a small amount of gray-white mildew layer is formed on the surface.
When the stem is infected, it begins with a small spot of water immersion, and then expands into an oblong or irregular shape. It is light brown. When the humidity is high, the surface of the lesion has a gray mold layer. When it is severe, the stems and leaves of the diseased part are dead.
When the fruit is infected, the residual stigma or petals are first infested, and then spread to the fruit or the stalk, resulting in a grayish-white peel and a thick gray mold layer, which is watery.
2. Chemical control
Focus on the three key drugs before transplanting, flowering and fruit expansion.
The agent can be selected by spraying, such as urea, pyrimethanil + chlorothalonil, procymidone + chlorothalonil, and the like.
Eight, tomato bacterial ulcer disease
The entire growth period of the plant can occur. The leaves, stems and fruits of tomatoes can be harmed.
Seedlings infected:
The true leaves snored from the bottom up, and the sag was formed on the petiole, and the stem was cut across the stalk. The vascular bundle became brown and the marrow appeared hollow.
Adult disease:
Often from the lower edge of the plant leaves withered, gradually curled upward, and then, the whole leaf disease, the leaves are blue-brown, shrunken, dry, hanging on the stem without falling off, like drought and water shortage.
There are chlorotic streaks in the stem, sometimes showing ulceration.
The vascular bundle becomes brown, and it sinks or cracks at a later stage. When the humidity is high, the septic white pus is discharged.
When the fruit is onset, the fruit surface produces a ridge.
(ç–£, commonly known as "scorpion"; scorpion refers to the shape of a scorpion on the surface of the skin, which is often characterized by a bulge, which is called a scorpion-like shape. Just remember that the bulge can also be.)
2. Chemical control
Aromatic acid copper, copper hydroxide, neutrophin, leaf azole, thiabium copper, copper amide, spring thunder, king copper and so on.
Nine, tomato bacterial medullary necrosis
It is mainly harmful to tomato stems and branches, and leaves and fruits can also be harmed.
Most of the affected plants showed symptoms during the green fruit period.
(1) blade
The leaves of the early-onset plants were yellow and dry, and the leaves of the plants were delayed.
Dark brown lesions are mostly in the lower part of the stem, but also in the middle of the stem or on the branches. Finally, the whole plant is dead.
(2) stem
At the beginning of the disease, the young leaves are chlorotic, the upper part of the plant is chlorotic and wilting, and the stem is necrotic. The surface of the diseased stem first appears brown to dark brown spots, and the outside becomes hard.
In the longitudinal section of the diseased stem, the pith becomes black or necrotic, and the adventitious part of the pith develops many adventitious roots.
(3) fruit
Most of the browning began from the stalk, and finally the whole fruit became brown rot.
When the humidity is high, the yellow-brown pus will overflow from the diseased stem wound or the petiole detachment.
Chemical control
Copper hydroxide, copper lysate, succinic acid copper, thiabium copper, spring thunder, king copper and so on.
X. Tomato gray leaf spot
When tomato gray leaf spot disease is prevalent, the upper and lower leaves of the plant are simultaneously affected.
(1) Leaf disease
On the leaves, the primary gray-brown near-circular small lesions, the lesions gradually expand along the veins in an irregular shape, and the dry and perishable perforation, the leaves gradually die.
(2) flower onset
Mainly on the flower buds and flower stalks, gray-colored lesions appear.
Infested before the flower is opened, causing the flower to fall, not taking the fruit.
After the fruit is hung, the onset of the flower bud does not cause fruit drop, but the fruit stalk is dry.
2. Prevention methods
Before or during the occurrence of the disease: Spray the plants with thiabium copper or copper hydroxide.
When the disease occurs: it can be controlled by agents such as difenoconazole, iprodione, spring thunder, copper hydroxide and the like.
XI, tomato spot blotch
It can occur in the whole growth period, and the initial incidence is concentrated.
Start from the lower old leaves and then develop from the bottom up.
At the beginning of the leaf disease, water-stained small round spots appeared on the back of the leaves.
Afterwards, round or nearly round lesions appeared on both sides of the leaf, the edges were dark brown, the middle part was grayish white, slightly concave, and there were many small black spots on the upper surface.
In severe cases, large dead spots are formed, and sometimes the tissue of the diseased part is necrotic and perforated, and even the middle and lower leaves are dry or fall off.
The lesions on the petiole and stem are elliptical, brown, with black small spots on the upper.
2. Prevention methods
Before onset
Optional spray chlorothalonil, mancozeb and so on.
Early onset
Optional anti-virus cockroach, metalaxyl · manganese zinc, chlorothalonil, poly · sulfur, fine nail cream · manganese zinc, carbendazim, copper ammonia and so on.
Peak incidence
Mancozeb, antivirus, metalaxyl, manganese and zinc can be used.
Twelve, tomato bacterial wilt
The incidence of tomato in the adult stage is heavier.
At the beginning of the disease, the diseased plants wilted during the day and recovered at night, and the symptoms of the diseased leaves changed significantly.
First, the top leaves are wilting and drooping, the lower leaves are wilting, and the middle leaves are eventually withered. Some leaves first wilted or the whole leaves wilted at the same time.
After the onset, the soil is dry and the temperature is high. The whole plant is wilted in 2 to 3 days.
If the temperature is low, even if the rain or soil moisture content is high, the diseased plant can die after 1 week, but the leaves remain green or slightly light, so it is called green wilt.
The vascular bundle of the diseased stem turns brown, crosses the diseased stem, and is squeezed by hand. The vascular bundle overflows the white bacterial liquid on the cut surface, which is an important feature distinguishing this disease from Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt.
2. Prevention
There is no specific method for this disease, and it can only be based on prevention. When the plant of tomato bacterial wilt is found, it can be removed and burned in time, and the lime powder or grass ash can be applied to the plant where the diseased plant is removed, which can effectively prevent the spread of tomato bacterial wilt disease.
In the early stage of the disease, it can be sprayed: zhongshengmycin, chlorobromoisocyanuric acid, copper amide, thiabium copper, Bacillus subtilis and other agents.
Thirteen, tomato sclerotinia
Tomato sclerotinia disease mainly harms the tomato in the protected area, and the winter and spring are severe in low temperature and rainy years.
Leaves, stems and fruits can be harmful.
(1) Leaf disease
More than the edge of the blade.
It is initially water-soaked, light green, and grows a small amount of white mildew when it is high in humidity. The lesions are gray-brown, spreading quickly and causing the leaves to die.
(2) Stem infection
Mostly invaded by the base of the petiole.
The lesions are slightly white and sag, and the epidermis is longitudinally split, the cortex is rotted, and the edges are watery.
In addition to the formation of sclerotia on the surface of the stem, peeling off the stem, a large number of sclerotia can be found, and in severe cases, the plant dies.
(3) Fruit disease
It often begins with the fruit stalk and spreads to the surface of the fruit, causing the green fruit to be hot.
2. Chemical control
Seedbed treatment: soil can be mixed with procymidone or carbendazim
Application of drug control: iprodione, methyl sulfide, mildew, procymidone, thiabendazole and the like.
Fourteen, tomato wilt
Tomato wilt is one of the common diseases on tomatoes, and both protected land and open field tomato can occur.
Rainy years are common and serious.
At the beginning of the disease, the lower leaves turn yellow, which then turns brown and dry, but the dead leaves do not fall off.
Sometimes the hazard is only manifested on one side of the stem, which is yellowed, browned and then dead, while the leaves on the other stem are still normal.
Some half of the leaf order turns yellow, or on a leaf, the yellow part is yellow and the other half is normal.
Some also originated from the leaf order near the ground, and gradually spread upward. Except for the top several pieces intact, the others died.
The diseased stem is dissected and the vascular bundle is browned.
When the humidity is high, the diseased part produces a pink mold layer.
The disease is also a systemic disease of vascular bundles, but the course of disease progresses slowly. Generally, it is dead for 15 to 30 days, and the cross-section of the diseased stem is squeezed by hand or soaked in clear water. No milky white mucus flows out, which is different from bacterial green. Blight.
2. Prevention
Seedbed disinfection: use carbendazim or methyl thiophanate, mix the soil, and then sow.
Chemical control: dysentery, nail cream, dysentery, etc.
Fifteen, tomato black spot
Ex situ cultivation and protected cultivation can be harmful, but the protected area is heavier than the open field.
The annual results are heavy in the rainy and high-humidity years.
Mainly harmful to fruits, leaves and stems.
The fruit is infected, the diseased spot is taupe or brown, round to irregular shape, the diseased part is slightly sunken, with obvious edge, the fruit has one or several lesions, the size is different, the lesion can be combined with large plaque, spot Black mold on the surface. In the later stage of the disease, the disease is soft and rot.
2. Chemical control
Spray protection from the green fruit period, spray once every 7 to 10 days, and use 2 to 3 times.
The medicament can be controlled by spraying with isoflurane, difenoconazole, chlorothalonil or copper hydroxide.
Sixteen, tomato gray spot disease
Mainly harmful to leaves and fruits.
(1) blade
In the early stage of the disease, the leaves showed small brown spots, which later expanded into oval or near-circular large spots. Small black spots appeared on the lesions, which were distributed in a wheel-like pattern. The edges were slightly dark and easily broken or fallen off.
(2) stem
It starts from the middle and upper branches, and the early stage is a dark green water-stained small spot, which turns into a yellow-brown to taupe irregular spot. Easy to break or half dead.
(3) fruit
When the fruit is sick, there is a water-stained yellow-brown trap on the pedicle, and a dark brown spot is produced. The fruit is perishable after the onset.
2. Prevention
In the early stage of the disease, spray chlorothalonil, copper hydroxide, carbendazim, thiophanate-methyl, iprodione, mancozeb, thiabendazole and other agents.
The greenhouse cultivation, spraying the spring and the king copper spray control in the early stage of the disease.
Seven, tomato late blight
Leaves, stems and fruits can be harmed, but the leaves and green fruits are seriously damaged.
(1) Leaf
Most of the leaves begin to develop from the tip or leaf edge of the lower part of the plant, and then gradually spread to the upper leaves and fruits.
At the beginning, it was dark green water-immersed irregular lesions. There was no obvious boundary at the border of disease and health, and it turned brown after expansion.
When wet, the lesions spread rapidly, and a layer of white mildew was seen at the edge of the leaf spot.
When the air is dry, the lesions are greenish brown, then dark brown and gradually dry.
(2) stem
The stem is damaged, and the lesion becomes dark brown to dark brown by water stain, slightly depressed downward, the diseased stem tissue becomes soft, and the plant is wilting. When it is serious, the diseased part will break and cause the stem and leaf to die.
(3) fruit
The fruit is damaged, and the fruit surface of the fruit before the coloring is not near the fruit surface. The lesions are not obvious oil-soaked large spots, and gradually develop to the surrounding area.
In the later stage, it gradually turned into dark brown, and the lesions were slightly sunken. The diseased fruit was hard and not soft and rot, and the edges did not change red.
When wet, a white mildew is formed on the surface of the lesion.
2. Prevention methods
Before sowing: Seed disinfection, treatment with carbendazim.
Initial stage of the disease: Fluoride? Manganese-zinc, cyanosin, propofol, cymoxanil, mancozeb, enoyl-manganese-zinc, anti-virus bismuth, ethylphosphonium-manganese-zinc, nail-cream copper, fine nail cream Manganese zinc, pyraclostrobin and the like.
What's red light therapy? Red light therapy before and after
Red light therapy (RLT) is a treatment that may aid in the healing of skin, muscle tissue, and other body components. It exposes you to red or near-infrared light at modest intensities. Infrared light is a sort of energy that your eyes cannot see but which your body perceives as heat. Red light is comparable to infrared light, however it is visible.
Low-level laser treatment (LLLT), low-power laser therapy (LPLT), and photobiomodulation are all terms for red light therapy (PBM).
What Is Red Light Therapy and How Does It Work?
Red light treatment involves exposing your skin to a red-light bulb, gadget, or laser. Mitochondria, also known as the "power generators" of your cells, absorb it and use it to produce additional energy. This, according to some scientists, helps cells repair themselves and grow healthier. This promotes skin and muscular tissue repair.
The skin is not injured or burned by red light treatment since it employs very low amounts of heat. It is not the same sort of light used in tanning salons, and it does not expose your skin to UV rays that are harmful to your skin.
What Is It Used For?
Red light treatment has been studied for a long time. However, there aren't many research on it, and no one knows if it's better than other sorts of healing treatments. The use of red light therapy may be beneficial in the following situations:
Dementia. People with dementia who received near-infrared light treatment on their heads and via their nostrils on a daily basis for 12 weeks had improved memory, slept better, and were less irritable.
Pain in the teeth. People with temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome (TMD) experienced decreased discomfort, clicking, and jaw soreness after receiving red light treatment, according to another small study.
Hair loss is a common occurrence. In one research, men and women with androgenetic alopecia (a hereditary condition that causes hair loss) gained thicker hair after using an at-home RLT device for 24 weeks. The outcomes were not the same for those who utilized a bogus RLT gadget in the trial.
Osteoarthritis. According to one research, red and infrared light treatment reduced osteoarthritis-related pain by more than half.
Tendinitis. RLT appears to reduce inflammation and discomfort in persons with Achilles tendonitis, according to a small trial of seven participants.
Wrinkles and other symptoms of aging and damage to the skin. RLT has been shown in studies to aid with wrinkles and skin smoothing. RLT can also assist with acne scars, burns, and sun damage indications.
What Are the Consequences?
Even though experts aren't clear how or why red light treatment works, it's usually thought to be safe. There are also no hard and fast guidelines on how much light to use. Too much light can harm skin tissue, while too little can make it less effective.
What Is Red Light Therapy and Where Can You Get It?
At most cases, it's done in a doctor's office. Some salons and dentistry clinics, however, do it as well. You may also purchase a red light treatment gadget on your own. Side effects and injuries are more likely to occur with salon and at-home treatments. If you're considering red light treatment, see your doctor first.
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