In the autumn, pomegranate trees tend to sprout many new shoots two or three times, resulting in dense crown branches, resulting in poor ventilation and light transmission, resulting in slow Fruit growth, poor coloration, and also affecting the formation of flower buds and new results in the inner temporal lobe and short branches. Mother branch. Therefore, it is particularly important to strengthen autumn trimming. 1. The branches continue to cut off the budding, budding, and disease-free sprouts and sprouts. It is required that the light spots under the canopy be uniformly distributed on the ground after the thinning, which is suitable for 10%-15% of the projected area of ​​the full crown. To ensure that the fruit directly see the light, so that the inner lobe twigs and short branches see the light is sufficient to form a flower bud fast. Take deep-buried or incineration measures for cut fruit and fruit pests. 2. Cut roots from mid-October to November, after harvesting fruits and before leaves, pruning the roots. The main reason for the aging of the pomegranate tree comes from the root system. The long-term root system occupies a certain area of ​​soil. As a result of the selective absorption, many useless and even harmful elements are gradually accumulated and become toxic to the root system. In addition, the original soil nutrition and application of fertilizers, can not meet the requirements of tree expansion and results, followed by the decline of some roots. Some soil bacteria invade the roots from the wounds, causing the death of the root system. The root system is not updated for a long time and the absorption capacity is weakened, which affects the growth and results of the above ground. Therefore, according to the results of the pomegranate tree, it is necessary to prune the roots year by year. Digging a circular or parallel groove (50-100 cm in depth) around the crown can cut roots smaller than 1 cm in diameter to facilitate root regeneration and enlargement. China Agricultural Network Editor
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