There are many biotech companies with “brands†in this biomedical industry, and those interested in biopharmaceuticals know these companies, such as Shire (SHPG), Gilead Science (GILD), Genentech (RHHBY), Biogen. company (BIIB) and so on, but there are several small biomedical technology company concern, investors may not have heard of them. Keith Speights wrote for The Motley Fool website, see the three biomedical companies below.
1. Akebia Therapeutics
Akebia (AKBA), based in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, specializes in the development of biological therapies based on hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF). Recently, on December 20, 2016, the company announced that it has signed a cooperation and licensing agreement for new vadadustat drugs with Amnesty Pharmaceuticals in the United States. The new drug Vadadustat is under development and can be used to treat chronic kidney (CKD) anemia. Regarding this indication, the drug was also carried out in two post-tests.
Under the cooperation agreement, Akebia received $265 million in committed funds, which may exceed $1 billion, except for different development and commercialization.
Spikes writes, “I like Akebia because of the great potential of vadadustat drugs. Erythropoiesis promoters (ESAs) such as Aranesp and Epogen are currently the standard treatment for chronic renal anemia. However, erythropoiesis promoters (ESAs) bring The problem is that their increased hemoglobin levels are too high." Tests to date have shown that the new drug vadadustat can increase hemoglobin levels and remain within established hemoglobin levels.
Akebia's current stock price is $10.47.
2. Synergy Pharmaceuticals
New York City-based Synergy Pharmaceuticals Inc. (SGYP) received good news in December. On December 9, the company announced that plecanatide drugs reached the primary endpoint in one of two key phase III clinical trials for the treatment of patients with irritable bowel syndrome constipation (IBS-C). On December 22, the company announced that the second trial of plecanatide drugs with the same indications also reached the primary endpoint.
In addition, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to make a decision on January 29, 2017 for the approval of the drug plecanatide for the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC). Speights writes, “I feel that Synergy will be approved by the FDA. Two post-clinical studies of the CIC drug plecanatide have shown effective results. Another long-term open-label safety study also found that taking the drug in the experiment Patients have small side effects and low withdrawal rates. I think that if approved, plecanatide should be a big tool for Synergy."
Synergy's stock trading price is currently $6.22.
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