Release date: 2015-09-16
AstraZeneca and the British Institute of Cancer Research (CRUK), a non-profit organization, have once again collaborated to create new laboratories to jointly develop new cancer biotherapies and diagnostic methods. The strong alliance between them is to make better use of the superior resources of both sides. The cancer biology experts at the British Cancer Institute have knowledge of protein engineering, and the AstraZeneca subsidiary MedImmune has a human phage antibody display library. Aspect technology. Jane Osbourn, vice president of research and development at MedImmune, described the partnership as "a transparent, collaborative technical information exchange between small biotech pharmaceutical companies." She also confirmed that MedImmune will receive 80 doctoral training in the next five years.
As early as last September, the two had reached a five-year cooperation agreement. Alexa Smith, head of the Translation Research Program at the UK Cancer Institute (CRUK), has used AstraZeneca's compound database and innovative drug screening technology to accelerate the transformation of basic research results into clinical applications. The UK Cancer Institute's long-term cooperation with AstraZeneca can make better use of world-class research equipment, further stimulate new drug research and development capabilities, accelerate the development of oncology drugs, and promote medical development.
Phage display technology (phage display technology) was initiated in 1980 by inserting the DNA sequence of a foreign protein or polypeptide into the proper position of the phage coat protein structural gene, and expressing the foreign gene with the expression of the coat protein. Biotechnology of exogenous proteins displayed to the surface of phage as they reassemble the phage. This technology allows researchers to quickly scan for millions of randomly generated antibodies to identify important molecular antibodies that can be associated with cancer and other diseases.
Dr Ariescon and the British Cancer Institute's new CRUK-MEDI joint lab leader Dr Maria Groves said the success of the lab will depend on three important factors: our high-quality and diverse phage display library. Applications; Design a drug discovery program that allows us to discover specific protein antibodies that have a mechanism of action for a target disease; and finally establish a network of major investigators, and researchers will have the opportunity to discover new therapies for cancer. The British Cancer Institute has provided equipment and operating funds for the laboratory, while MedImmune will be responsible for the project's new drug discovery process.
George Freeman, the life sciences minister, officially announced the opening of the lab at Cambridge's Granta Park. He said: "Cambridge's groundbreaking laboratory highlights the funding of the UK Cancer Institute and other charities. An important role that can help many patients in exciting medical research. This ambitious partnership combines academia and industry to transform world-leading research into important new treatments for patients. Therapy. The UK has always been at the forefront of cancer research, and this collaborative approach helps ensure that we accelerate the transformation of scientific knowledge into new medical therapies."
Source: New Kangjie
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