Late sowing Ophiopogon management needs special care

Affected by the rain and wet before sowing and the late harvest of corn, it can lead to late wheat sowing, or even for the fall of wheat, resulting in pre-winter wheat seedlings overall weak, small, serious wheat problems, complex seedlings. Wheat seedlings are weak and weak, with less accumulation of nutrients in the body, weak resistance to cold and freezing, and they are susceptible to freezing damage in winter and spring. Therefore, due to the appropriate conditions for the seedlings, timely follow-up, and indeed take effective comprehensive measures to strengthen the pre-winter and late winter broadcast management of wheat fields, to ensure that late sowing wheat safe winter.

Prevention and control of diseases, pests and weeds in winter Before the seeding of wheat, there are many basic seedlings, high density, late development, and vulnerability to pests and diseases. At the seedling stage, diseases such as root diseases, underground pests, and autumn fleas are found. In particular, wheat fields that have not been coated with seed, or used for seed dressing or soil treatment, should be promptly treated with poisoning soil, irrigation and spraying. The removal of wheat can be carried out in the fall or early spring. Advocate autumn chemical weeding, good effect, high safety, the period of 3-5 leaf stage wheat, weeds 2-4 leaf stage, the average daily temperature of 5 °C above the sunny implementation.

Winter watering should be advanced and light watering is the most effective way to return straw to soil after being returned to the soil. Straw returned to the field before the overwintering water moved to the beginning of the 3-leaf stage, and the end of the night after the freezing and defoliating. The amount of water per year was 30-40 square meters. Special attention: late seeding weak seedlings, especially after sowing after the frost, wheat generally do not dry winter irrigation, so as not to reduce the temperature, affect the emergence of seedlings.

Strengthen the fertility characteristics of field sowing and management of late sowing wheat: The winter has a short growth period and a low accumulated temperature. The performance is “a small three and a light”. The seedlings are small, the leaves are few, the secondary roots are few, the tillering does not occur or occur, and the single plant is dry. Fresh material light. The main factor affecting the early growth of wheat is ground temperature. Therefore, the management should be based on the principle of warming and warming, to promote the early emergence of wheat seedlings. For the last time of plucking or licking before freezing, pay attention to the stumpage of the soil or cover the “head scat” to protect the wheat seedlings from wintering safely. It is strictly forbidden to grazing indigo in late summer wheat fields.

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