Hubei Yingcheng Special Inspection Bird Flu Prevention and Control

In order to fully grasp the prevention and control of bird flu and regulate the market order, the City Food and Drug Administration had recently launched a special inspection of bird flu prevention and control in the city.

The bureau dispatched more than 400 law enforcement forces to conduct inspections on more than 180 live poultry business households and 18 large supermarket frozen poultry meat and products in 22 farmers' markets. Focus will be placed on the control and control of important links such as the transportation, storage, sale, and slaughter of poultry and their products, strict implementation of a clean-up on a one-day-one-weekly disinfection system, and strengthening of risk prevention and control in the trading markets and stalls. The law enforcement personnel guide the operators to collect the garbage that has been cleared, and transport them to designated locations for harmless treatment. For the use of tools, live poultry cages, etc., must be cleaned and disinfected, while requiring employees to do personal protection. For frozen poultry meat and products sold by supermarkets, the cable claiming and ticketing system shall be strictly implemented and the relevant inspection and quarantine documents shall be checked to ensure the regular channels, quality and safety.

In this inspection, a total of more than 5,000 live poultry were sold for inspection. The inspection of frozen poultry meat and products had problems such as incomplete books and irregular marks. Three copies of notices of corrections were ordered to be issued, and corrections were made within a time limit. No unexplained cause of death was discovered through illegal channels. Diseased and dead poultry.

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