1. The semi-arid semi-arid climate in the alpine zone is the most suitable for growth at a daily average temperature of 15-20 degrees Celsius. High temperature and high humidity adversely affect the growth of alfalfa. The wolfberry has strong adaptability, and it is most suitable for the growth of high topography, flatness, good drainage, deep loose soil, neutral or slightly alkaline soil. Amaranthus is a medium salt-tolerant grass that can be grown in mildly salinized soil (<0.3% soil salinity).
2. The site preparation is mainly to clean the ground (weeding, stubble elimination), loose soil, mixed fertilizer and soil, and smooth the ground to provide a suitable soil environment for earthworm sowing, emergence, growth and development. The arable land must master the soil moisture content, smash the soil, make the soil into fine particles, and ensure that the seedlings are neat and tidy.
3, fertilization of high-yield alfalfa in the production of nutrients, especially nitrogen, calcium and potassium. Rhizobium nodosum can fix free nitrogen in the air and has strong nitrogen fixation ability. Therefore, during the growth and development of earthworms, nitrogen fertilizer is generally not applied. The demand for potassium on earthworms is large, and it takes 10-15 kg of potassium to produce 1 ton of hay. The application amount of superphosphate is generally 50-100 kg/mu. Application before sowing or sowing, one-time application, can also be used as topdressing.
4, sowing (1) choose suitable for local growth of alfalfa varieties, such as the Queen, WL320, WL323 and so on. (2) Seeds should be cleaned, remove impurities, and then dressing with rhizobia, bacteria/seed ratio is 1/10. (3) The sowing time can be planted when the local temperature is above 5 degrees, and can be planted in spring, summer and autumn, but the best sowing period is from August 20 to September 10. (4) Seeding method, can broadcast, broadcast, protect sowing and mixed broadcast. The row spacing for the purpose of producing hay is 20-40 cm, and (5) the sowing amount for the purpose of producing hay is about 1 kg. (6) sowing depth is generally 0.5 -2CM.
5. Field management can grow grass during artificial growth. When grass returns to green in early spring, weeds should be cut and weeding should be carried out immediately after each cutting. Older can use 2,4-DB chemical control. To timely irrigation, pay attention to drainage during the summer high temperature and rainy season, to prevent excessive water caused by rot. Pesticides are controlled by pesticides or harvested in advance. The fundamental prevention and control is the selection of resistant varieties.
6. The first harvest is generally selected at the initial flowering stage (plants have 10% flowering). If the harvested hay is fed to dairy cows and young livestock, it should be harvested at the budding stage. Harvested once every 30-35 days, the last harvest should be carried out at the end of September, leaving 30-40 days of growth time, which is conducive to wintering and high yield in the second year. The drug should be stopped before harvesting for the first half month.
7. Processing and Utilization (1) Dry storage According to different dry storage methods, it can be divided into natural drying method and artificial drying method. The natural drying method is to harvest the fresh alfalfa, drying them in the field, and then bundling and storing them; artificial drying means drying after drying with a drying machine and bundling and storing. Naturally dried wolfberry, with a fragrant green grass taste, good palatability, high digestibility. The shorter the drying time, the higher the protein retention in the grass. (2) Silage, fresh grass is cut into about 2 cm and mixed with corn silage for silage.
We may have heard of the Zoom Bullet Camera, so what is the Zoom Bullet Camera/ Bullet Zoom Security Cameras/ Bullet Zoom Digital Cameras/ Smart Zoom Bullet Camera/ Zoom Lens Bullet Cameras/ Zoom Bullet Camera HD? We know that the Bullet refers to the camera shape, so what about the Zoom? Actually, the Zoom refers to a type of the camera lens. Today let me introduce the camera lens for you.
I have introduced the camera lens and 2 classifications for you before. Today please let me introduce another parameter of the camera lens for you---the Wide Dynamic.
So what is the Wide Dynamic?
The Wide Dynamic actually refers to the brightness ratio of the brightest and darkest parts of the image that the user can see at the same time via the camera. The Dynamic Range broadly refers to the changing span of a changing thing, that is, the range from the lowest point and the highest point of its changing value, which is usually described as the difference between the highest point and the lowest point. Well, the Ddynamic Range of a camera refers to the ability of the camera to adapt to the light reflection of the scene in the shooting scene, specifically the range of brightness (contrast) and color temperature (contrast); which means the camera's adjustment range of the "darkest" and "brightest" of the image, or the ratio of the lightest tone to the darkest tone in a still image/video frame. And the hue can show the precise details in the image or frame. As the ratio of the two tones, the unit of the dynamic range can be decibels, bits, files, or simply expressed as a ratio or multiple.
The Wide Dynamic Camera Technology is a technique by which the user can see the characteristics of the image under very strong contrast via the camera. In some occasions where the contrast between light and dark is too large, due to the limitation of the CCD's photosensitive characteristics, the background of the captured images will be easily too bright/the foreground of the captured images will be easily too dark. Later, Because of the wide dynamic technology emerged, and this problem has been solved.
So how about the applications of the Wide Dynamic Camera?
The Wide Dynamic camera is usually applied when the light environment is still ideal but the details of the target object cannot be obtained. That is to say, the wide dynamic technology is mostly used in places where light and dark alternate. When the surveillance camera cannot achieve low-illuminance monitoring, the wide dynamic technology needs to be used to "fill the light". In terms of the surveillance camera applications, the ordinary surveillance camera captures the images with the clear background but the dark foreground, while the wide dynamic camera can capture the images with both the clear foreground and background.
The Wide Dynamic Camera is usually applied to the Highway toll system, the Electronic police system, the City Commercial Street and so on; which is very useful and has brought much convenice to our life.
In a word, I hope that the introducton of the Wide Dynamic can make all of us know more about the Zoom Bullet Camera and the whole video monitoring field.
Zoom Bullet Camera, Bullet Zoom Security Cameras, Bullet Zoom Digital Cameras, Smart Zoom Bullet Camera, Zoom Lens Bullet Cameras, Zoom Bullet Camera HD​
SHENZHEN SANAN TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD , https://www.sanan-cctv.com