Pig farming with dry-type fermentation bed culture

Many people involved in the pig industry may not have basic knowledge of breeding. They only see that the industry is very profitable. They believe that raising pigs does not require special expertise. Just look at the books and discs related to breeding. All the problems can be solved. As a result, many problems encountered in actual breeding can not be solved by themselves. The most worrying and troublesome for these people who are involved in the breeding industry are the various animal diseases that are difficult to prevent and all kinds of unexpected animals. Responsiveness, animal death, etc.

So how do these people who started the farming industry suffer from or are not affected by these problems? The most suitable method is to use the kingfisher dry-sweeping bed to raise pigs. If the original method of cultivation of the original cement field is used, animal diseases, stress reactions and even death can easily occur. If there is no rich breeding experience, the loss of prevention and control treatment will be very large; but if you use the golden carbs dry fermentation bed When pig technology is used for breeding, the above problems will be greatly reduced. Although various diseases, stress, and death will occur occasionally, the incidence will be greatly reduced, and there will be no large-scale epidemics and mass deaths. After the use of the fermentation bed, the labor intensity is reduced, the excreta is decomposed, and there is no need to worry about the problem of illegal discharge. The fermented bed is used to make pork from the cultured bed delicious and mellow, and the breeding efficiency is also higher than that of the traditional cement farming. This is the advantage of adopting the fermentation bed culture. .

So why does the Golden Spoon dry fermentation bed be the first choice for the farming model? Why is there such a lot of benefits for the Ginba dry fermentation bed? The reason is simple: First, the use of goldfish fermentation bed culture, soft and comfortable dunnage without irritation, animal natural life without stress, litter in the powerful beneficial microbial flora and bacterial protein produced by fermentation into the pig's body can be enhanced The immunity of the pig, the fermentation bed can also reduce the pathogenic bacteria transmitted by the digestive tract, and ensure the pig's health through multiple measures. Secondly, the process of depositing the Jinbao fermentation bed is simple and the maintenance process is simple. The novice culture does not require a large amount of labor. Thirdly, the pigs cultured in Gymnema fermentation beds are not susceptible to disease and have high feed utilization rates. Therefore, the cost of breeding is reduced, and the benefits can be increased compared with those in cement farming. Fourth, the requirements for the ecological breeding of the Jinbao dry-sweeping-bed technology for breeding pigs, and the delicious and mellow meat from the farmed meat, will not be as tasteless or have potential food safety hazards as the pork produced in the cement field, and will be more able to get consumers. The recognition, the higher price, the greater the benefits.

Details can be consulted: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. telephone toll-free hotline

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