New diet recipes clever to eat fruit and vegetables skin weight loss one week effective

Does the constant weight loss meal feel tired? Want to try fresh alternative effective weight loss methods? Let Xiao Bian introduce you to some new weight loss recipes today, so that you can easily lose weight.

Mango skin:

It may be that in many people's eyes, mango is a kind of hot and humid fruit, but there are studies abroad that found that mango can help lose weight and maintain a slim figure, with particular attention to the skin to eat! In fact, the researchers found that there is a phytonutrient in the extract of mango skin that can prevent the production of fat cells in the body. Therefore, if you eat more mango skin, you may be able to lose weight.

Mango fried fresh shellfish

Ingredients: 2 mangoes, 8 fresh scallops, 1 red pepper, 1 asparagus, proper amount of onions, proper amount of garlic, amount of oil and salt sugar, and amount of Taibai.


1, the mango peeled and cut into thick slices, red pepper washed slices, washed and cut into sections asparagus, onions cut into sections, garlic cut thin slices, fresh shellfish oblique cut open two.

2, the mushrooms, asparagus, red peppers, fresh shellfish first hot, then drain water.

3, put the oil in the pot, first put the garlic, onion fragrant, then add a tablespoon of water and seasonings (except white powder), then add all the materials, lightly mixed with a few, and finally add a little baking powder to thicken water.

Winter melon skin:

Melon has always been swollen swollen, heat and dampness, weight loss effect, and its efficacy in its skin is even more significant! When we suffer from poor metabolism and fat accumulation due to lack of exercise, eating and drinking, and other undesirable behaviors, we must not eat some wax gourd skin, but we can mix it with other food ingredients.

Tang melon melon soup

Material: Ingredients: Winter Melon 250g

Accessories: 50 fresh mushrooms, dried tangerine peel 25g

Seasoning: 3 grams of salt, 3 grams of white sugar, 2 grams of ginger, 2 grams of MSG, 5 grams of sesame oil


1, melon peeled and cut into horseshoe shape, boiled in boiling water, remove and soak in cold.

2, Chen Pi soaked, remove the peel.

3, mushroom immersion soaked soft wash.

4, with the porcelain pot Shengdonggu, melon, dried tangerine peel, ginger, the soup will be boiled into the pot, cover the lid, steamer steam for about 1 hour, then add salt, sesame oil seasoning, you can pan.

Watermelon skin:

Watermelon is a well-known weight loss product in fruit, because it can promote excretion, eliminate edema, and can also clear the intestines. However, people may not know that the most able to lose weight is the layer of skin on top of watermelon, and the weight loss effect is several dozen times more than that of flesh. If you hate to eat hard skin, you can scrape off its waxy skin and then cut it into strips, boil it in soft water, and dip in salt to eat.

Cold watermelon rind

Material: 400g of watermelon rind, 3 celery

Seasoning: 4 tbsp vinegar, proper amount of soy sauce, proper amount of sugar, proper amount of pepper oil, salt amount


1. Remove the melon and red flesh from the watermelon, leave the white flesh on the edge of the melon and cut it into filaments.

2, the celery washed clean, cut into filaments, the people boiled water slightly hot to remove and let cool.

3. Stir the vinegar sauce, salt, soy sauce, pepper, and pepper.

4, put the watermelon silk and celery segment put people in the bowl, and then poured on the sweet and sour sauce Lin.

5. Put the lid in a cool place and let it stand for 2 hours.


Vaccine For Prevention Of Rabies

Rabies vaccine is used in two ways. Rabies vaccine is given to persons who have been exposed (eg, by a bite, scratch, or lick) to an animal that is known, or thought, to have rabies. This is called post-exposure prophylaxis. Rabies vaccine may also be given ahead of time to persons who have a high risk of getting infected with rabies virus. These persons include veterinarians, animal handlers, or travelers who will spend more than 1 month in countries having a high rate of rabies infection, and persons who live, work, or take vacations in wild areas of the country where they are likely to come into contact with wild animals

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