Growth habit
It is generally wild in the valleys 500-3 400 meters above sea level, under the forests on the hillside, and beside the forest edge. It was also planted in the front of the house and in the garden. It was born in a fertile, fertile land on the rubbish dump.
Hi warm and humid environment. Not cold, the roots need to be covered before winter. Strict requirements for soil, but with deep soil, rich in organic matter, loose and fertile sandy loam cultivation is better. Not suitable for planting in low land.
3 Distribution
Except Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, and Xinjiang, most of China has distribution.
It is mainly produced in Henan, Hubei, Anhui and other provinces; it is mainly produced in Shandong, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces. North Korea, Japan, and India also have.
Coral Fungus,Coral Mushroom,Coral Fungus Edible,Red Coral Fungus
Guangyun Agricultural Biotechnology (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd ,