Winter cows guard against valve blockage

Niuqi gastric obstruction is mainly caused by bovine pre-gastric relaxation, weakened valve and stomach contraction, the content is full and dry, resulting in valve stomach expansion, hard, pain, resulting in severe indigestion. Due to stagnant oppression of the contents, paralysis of the stomach wall and necrosis of the valve leaflets cause changes in the body's function. This is a serious stomach problem for cattle. More common in cattle, dairy cows also occur.


Bovine primary valve gastric obstruction is mainly caused by long-term feeding of bran, distillers' grains and other sediment-containing feeds, or coarse fiber-strength soybean stalks, hay, and soybean meal. In winter, grazing is turned into feeding, or feed suddenly changes, feed quality is poor, lack of protein, vitamins, and trace elements, or informal feeding, lack of drinking water and lack of exercise after feeding.

Bovine secondary valve gastric obstruction common abomasum obstruction, wrinkle and stomach dislocation, wrinkled gastric ulcer, production sputum, poisoning, acute febrile disease, etc., often accompanied by flap gastric obstruction.


In early stages, the diseased cow showed pre-gastric relaxation, indescribable or diminished appetite, constipation, mild swelling of the rumen, weak or disappeared gastric peristaltic tone, and decreased milk production. With the further development of the disease, the cows are dry, cracked, superficial and rapid breathing, and hyperactive heart. The pulse rate is 80-100 times per minute. The diseased cattle have advanced gastric valve leaf necrosis with colitis and systemic sepsis, and the body temperature rises by 0.5°C to 1°C, resulting in dehydration and self-poisoning.


Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the pre-stomach motor function of diseased cows and promoting the elimination of the contents of the valve. In the early stage of sick cattle, 400 to 500 g of magnesium sulfate and 8 to 10 liters of water were taken orally. At the same time with 10% sodium chloride solution 100 ~ 200 ml, 20% of the sodium and sodium coffee injection 10 ~ 20 ml, intravenous injection, to enhance diseased cattle ex-gastric nerve excitability, and promote the operation and exclusion of the contents of the stomach. When diseased cattle have enteritis and sepsis, the use of alcohol and sugar injection 200 ~ 300 ml, intravenous injection, and pay attention to the timely input sugar rehydration, to prevent sick cattle dehydration and autotoxicity.

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