The green shell layer chicken is a new breed of rare birds developed in recent years. The characteristics of the green shell laying hens are: 1 easy to raise: strong disease resistance, eating habits, can be raised throughout the country. 2 High nutritional value: It has good health care effects on hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, promoting children's physical and mental development, and improving immunity. 3 Large market: Eggs are the best-selling products in China, and the number of green shell eggs is now very small in China. 4 The benefits are high; the profit of breeding new varieties is relatively high. Therefore, the development and development of green shell layer chicken breeding has a good prospect. 1. The chicken house construction chicken house should be built in a ventilated and sunny place. A 70120 centimeters lighted ventilation window can be opened every 3 meters before and after the house, and the indoor side can be placed in a perch, drinking fountain, trough, etc. At the same time, on the side of the sunny side, a small gate with a height of 160 cm and a width of 70 cm was opened, and a sports ground with sand was set outside the door. General common chicken houses are suitable for feeding green shell laying hens, and the sheds can also be used in place or use simple shelters. Second, hatching eggs should choose egg weight more than 40 grams, the use of artificial hatching, hatching technical points: 1 temperature and humidity: Batch incubation should adopt constant temperature incubation, each batch of eggs require cross-interval placement, hatching eggs should pay attention to the bulk up On the egg tray, hatching 1st to 18th days, the hatching machine (egg surface temperature) is suitable for 37°C in the winter and 37°C-5°C in the summer. The hatching machine is transferred to the hatching machine on the 19th day. Eggs pay attention to lay flat, the temperature inside the winter 37? 2?, 37 °C in the summer. The relative humidity was 60% for the first to 18th days, and 70% for the 19th to 21st days. 2 turn the egg: turn the egg every two hours, the angle of 90 degrees. 3 hatching: general hatch to hatch on the 20th day, 21 days and complete hatching. 4 disinfection: the hatching eggs must be disinfected once every half an hour after hatching and before hatching. After the hatching is completed, the cleaning and disinfecting work should be done. Frequent use of formalin fumigation or 100 poisonous sprays is necessary for disinfection. Third, nutrient and feeding out of the shell within 30 days is generally a brooding period, the key is the incubation period brood insulation, insulation methods and other chicks, the general use of electric insulation umbrella plus underground flue, a small amount of culture with infrared light insulation. It is advisable to use about 33°C within 3 days of shelling, and 2°C per week thereafter. The principle is to evenly distribute the chicks around the heat source. After drinking water, start eating, feed the full-price chick material all day, feed 4 to 6 times per day, and pay attention to ventilation and ventilation during the brooding period. Density is generally 40 to 50 eggs per square meter on the 10th day of age and 20 days of age. Only 20, 30 days old, 10 weeks after 20 weeks of age. After 30 days of age, quantitative feeding was used to prevent early maturing and over-fertilization. The body weight of 20-week-old hens was generally controlled to be about 1-16 kilograms, and the weight of cocks was about 2.01 kilograms. Each group of breeder chickens can raise 100 to 200 eggs. In addition to restricting rearing, the breeder also has conditions to limit the light. It is best to start farming in a black chicken house after 8 weeks and light for 8 hours per day. Light requirements during the production period to the 20-week-old pre-production light up to 16 hours a day, the peak egg production of 16 to 17? 5 hours. At 20 weeks of age, young chicken feed is replaced with full-price egg-laying chicken feed. Water-soluble multivitamins are added to drinking water. Farmers can feed some green vegetables or grasses. The general dosage is about 20% of the total feed but not mixed in. Feed in dry material. The feed consumption of laying hens is about 85 grams each day. Pay attention to the regular feeding of coarse grains, and feed 6 to 7 kilograms per 1,000 birds. The breeders can be equipped with nest boxes, rectangular egg production basins made of wood, and fine sand to keep the environment quiet and dry. Fourth, disease prevention Disease prevention should be carried through throughout the feeding process. The hatchling chickens should be injected with Marek's vaccine. The chicks should be administered at 1 to 5 days, 12 to 14 days of age, and poorly managed 35 to 37 days of age, once every 3 to 5 days, to prevent salmonella. For E. coli and other bacterial diseases, the preferred drug is enrofloxacin. Drink 100 ml of 10% solution in 100 kg of water for half a day or 10 mg per kg of body weight. In addition, drugs such as tylosin and doxycycline are used to prevent mildew and other respiratory diseases. Frequently use 100 poisons and other disinfection drugs to disinfect drinking water. Care should be taken to prevent coccidiosis before and after 3 weeks of age. 7 to 10 days old chicken Newcastle disease II vaccine or nasal inoculation of water, while inoculated chicken pox vaccine, 12 to 14 days of age, the first vaccine to avoid infectious bursal disease, drinking water, preferably the first free after two weeks and then boosted once. Breeding chickens to prevent chicken ND, infectious bursal disease, infectious bronchitis, egg drop syndrome and other inactivated oil emulsion vaccine vaccination work, specifically based on the local chicken immune program to develop.