Many people do not dare to eat the liver, most of them are two concerns, one is high cholesterol, and the second is that there are residual toxins. In fact, if you have some nutrition and cooking skills, you can feel comfortable eating them. Cholesterol problems can be solved by green peppers.
People who eat cholesterol-containing foods do not directly become cholesterol in the blood and need an absorption and synthesis process. Therefore, the best way to eat all kinds of livers is to eat them together with vegetables rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and trace elements. Green peppers are an excellent choice both in terms of nutrition and taste, and can be increased. The excretion of cholesterol can reduce the synthesis and absorption of cholesterol in the body.
Adding black fungus to the ingredients not only looks good in color but also helps the discharge of residual toxins. The fungus contained in black fungus has a strong adsorption function, and can remove the impurities remaining in the human digestive system and be excreted after absorption. It can be called a “human scavengerâ€. In particular, fried liver and less edible fungus, because the pig's feeding time is longer than the nutrition tips of chickens, ducks and geese, the liver's saturated fatty acids and residual toxins are also a little more than the poultry liver.
Liver cholesterol is only half of the egg cholesterol in the liver is only half the weight of eggs. Liver and foie gras cholesterol levels are more than 280 milligrams per hundred grams, chicken liver, duck liver and goat liver cholesterol content is slightly more, but also in the 350 mg per hundred grams or less. The cholesterol content in eggs is more than 580 milligrams per 100 grams. The cholesterol in firewood eggs is even more than doubled, reaching 1,330 milligrams.
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