There are mainly peach aphid and cotton aphid, which harm the leaves and petioles. Not only can locusts themselves cause harm to strawberries, but more importantly it can spread strawberry virus disease, so production must be strictly controlled. Aphids can occur severely under high temperature and dry conditions. It can be sprayed with 3000 % of 3% acetamiprid EC, or 20000 times of 70% LM-dispersible granules, or 2500 times of 10% imidacloprid wettable powder. You can also hang yellow boards to attract you.
Ye Hao
There are many kinds of leafhoppers that harm strawberries, common are two-leafhoppers and cinnabar. The leafhoppers are small in size and prefer to draw juice on the young leaves or on the back of the leaves. Accelerated breeding at high temperatures, damaging. The victim leaves were red-brown, curled up and dried, and the growth and development of the plants were significantly impeded. In particular, the two-spotted spider mites, which have a wide range of recipes and are resistant to drugs, must be highly valued. After flowering, in order to protect the bees, it is necessary to use insecticides that are very safe for honey bees. They can be sprayed with 5% stuck oil 1000 to 1500 times and sprayed every 7 to 10 days.
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