The top of the ear of maize corn kernels or seed grain pods, called bald. The main causes of corn bald head baldness are:
The genetic characteristics of the variety. Although the corn bald head belongs to quantitative genetic traits, some varieties are more likely to produce bald ears because of their genetic traits, and some varieties are less susceptible to bald ears.
Improper cultivation management measures and adverse environmental conditions. Some varieties are very sensitive to the planting density. When the planting density is too large, due to the individual's poor nutrition, the field is closed during the filling period, and the permeability is poor, the seeds at the top of the ear can not get enough nutrition to form baldness.
The lack of nutrients, such as phosphorus and potassium deficiency, also aggravates corn baldness. The lack of fertilizer in the late growth stage of corn, the development of grains will stop growing in the middle, so that the tip of the ear of corn will increase and become bald.
Poor environmental conditions, such as high temperatures, can also cause baldness. During flowering and pollination period, maize was subjected to high temperature and drought, the time for drawing silk was delayed, and the pollen flourishing period had passed, leaving the tips of the spikes without imparting powder and baldness. Too much rain during the pollination caused the pollen to fall apart, and died when the pollen grains collapsed. The baldness was not imparted to the female silk filament.
In order to reduce the damage caused by bald corn, the following measures can be taken in addition to the selection of bald varieties:
Reasonable dense planting according to the physiological characteristics of the species, to take a reasonable planting density, so that the corn population has good ventilation and light conditions, so that individuals have a good development of corn, reduce the incidence of corn bald.
Re-applying the top-dressing corn fertilizer should be based on the principles of light weight, medium weight, and full complement. When corn grows to about 15 leaves, 10 kg of urea or 10 to 15 kg of ammonium nitrate can be applied with watering. From corn heading to grain filling stage, 0.25 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5 kg of urea were used to dilute 40-50 kg per acre and sprayed on foliar in the afternoon for extra-root fertilization to significantly reduce bald head.
After detasseling, the consumption of water and nutrients was reduced, resulting in thick and long ears and full kernels. At the same time, the upper air and light transmission conditions of corn were improved, photosynthetic efficiency was improved, and the damage of corn borer was reduced. The time of detasseling should be appropriate when tassels have just been removed from the parietal lobe. The number of detassels can be emasculated by an interlace or septum. Should not be too much, otherwise it will cause poor pollination, resulting in empty ears, especially in the 4 to 5 rows around the corn field should not be emasculated.
Artificial pollination artificial pollination should be carried out during the period of the Tatsuho powder, generally 2 to 3 times. The time should be around 10 a.m. The method is two people pulling a rope, walking along the lines, so that the rope moves the tassels swinging, or pollen pollen is attached to the ear of the flower on the head, gently shaking, so that the pollen grains evenly fall on the filaments.
After cutting the short silk filigree corn silk to expose the temporal lobe, the pollen is pollinated on the fall of the filaments. After the female flower is pollinated, the filaments are shriveled. But often due to uneven filaments, the upper part is drawn late, and some filaments continue to grow until they reach 10-15 cm long without pollen. As the filaments are too long, they cover each other and affect the pollination of the underlying filaments. Therefore, the filaments should be cut short, leaving only 1.5 to 2 cm, making the filaments like bread-like or horseshoe-shaped, short and long before, conducive to pollination, can reduce baldness.
The genetic characteristics of the variety. Although the corn bald head belongs to quantitative genetic traits, some varieties are more likely to produce bald ears because of their genetic traits, and some varieties are less susceptible to bald ears.
Improper cultivation management measures and adverse environmental conditions. Some varieties are very sensitive to the planting density. When the planting density is too large, due to the individual's poor nutrition, the field is closed during the filling period, and the permeability is poor, the seeds at the top of the ear can not get enough nutrition to form baldness.
The lack of nutrients, such as phosphorus and potassium deficiency, also aggravates corn baldness. The lack of fertilizer in the late growth stage of corn, the development of grains will stop growing in the middle, so that the tip of the ear of corn will increase and become bald.
Poor environmental conditions, such as high temperatures, can also cause baldness. During flowering and pollination period, maize was subjected to high temperature and drought, the time for drawing silk was delayed, and the pollen flourishing period had passed, leaving the tips of the spikes without imparting powder and baldness. Too much rain during the pollination caused the pollen to fall apart, and died when the pollen grains collapsed. The baldness was not imparted to the female silk filament.
In order to reduce the damage caused by bald corn, the following measures can be taken in addition to the selection of bald varieties:
Reasonable dense planting according to the physiological characteristics of the species, to take a reasonable planting density, so that the corn population has good ventilation and light conditions, so that individuals have a good development of corn, reduce the incidence of corn bald.
Re-applying the top-dressing corn fertilizer should be based on the principles of light weight, medium weight, and full complement. When corn grows to about 15 leaves, 10 kg of urea or 10 to 15 kg of ammonium nitrate can be applied with watering. From corn heading to grain filling stage, 0.25 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5 kg of urea were used to dilute 40-50 kg per acre and sprayed on foliar in the afternoon for extra-root fertilization to significantly reduce bald head.
After detasseling, the consumption of water and nutrients was reduced, resulting in thick and long ears and full kernels. At the same time, the upper air and light transmission conditions of corn were improved, photosynthetic efficiency was improved, and the damage of corn borer was reduced. The time of detasseling should be appropriate when tassels have just been removed from the parietal lobe. The number of detassels can be emasculated by an interlace or septum. Should not be too much, otherwise it will cause poor pollination, resulting in empty ears, especially in the 4 to 5 rows around the corn field should not be emasculated.
Artificial pollination artificial pollination should be carried out during the period of the Tatsuho powder, generally 2 to 3 times. The time should be around 10 a.m. The method is two people pulling a rope, walking along the lines, so that the rope moves the tassels swinging, or pollen pollen is attached to the ear of the flower on the head, gently shaking, so that the pollen grains evenly fall on the filaments.
After cutting the short silk filigree corn silk to expose the temporal lobe, the pollen is pollinated on the fall of the filaments. After the female flower is pollinated, the filaments are shriveled. But often due to uneven filaments, the upper part is drawn late, and some filaments continue to grow until they reach 10-15 cm long without pollen. As the filaments are too long, they cover each other and affect the pollination of the underlying filaments. Therefore, the filaments should be cut short, leaving only 1.5 to 2 cm, making the filaments like bread-like or horseshoe-shaped, short and long before, conducive to pollination, can reduce baldness.
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