The morphological characteristics of "deficiency syndrome" in vegetables
In the process of growth and development of fruits and vegetables, if a serious lack of a certain nutritional element will affect its normal metabolism of the body, so that roots, stems, leaves and other vegetative organs or flowers, fruits and other reproductive organs show a special morbid state. Due to the lack of nutrition caused by physiological morbidity, it is often called "deficiency syndrome."
The external symptoms of different nutrients lacking in certain nutrients are not necessarily the same, and there is a clear difference between the lack of nutrients and the lack of trace elements. For example, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other macroelements and magnesium, which are intermediate elements, have the feature of reusing in the crop. When the crop lacks these elements, they can be transferred from the lower old leaf to the upper new leaf and reused. Therefore, the symptoms of nutrient deficiency are first revealed on the lower old leaves; on the contrary, the trace elements are poorly recyclable in the crop, and the symptoms are most likely to be manifested in the upper neonatal tissue.
The general morphological characteristics of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, boron, and zinc in fruits are described as follows:
Deficiency of nitrogen-deficient plants: Growth was inhibited, and the above ground was more affected than in the underground.
Leaves: Leaves are small. The entire leaves are yellow-green. In severe cases, the old leaves of the lower part are almost yellow and dry and die.
Roots and stems: Small stems, more woody. The root is inhibited and smaller.
Reproductive organs: Flower, fruit growth retardation, severe fruit drop. Not normal prematurely. Seeds are small and the weight of grains is low.
Phosphorus-deficient plants: Dwarf plants, slow growth, and fewer tillers. The underground area is severely resisted, with very few secondary roots.
Leaves: Leaves dark green, dull or purple. Starting from the lower leaves, the leaf margins gradually turn yellow and then they fall off.
Roots and stems: Small stems, more woody. The root is not developed, the main root is elongated, and the lateral roots are not grown.
Reproductive organs: fewer flowers, less fruit, late fruit, small but not full seeds, and a thousand grain weight.
The potassium-deficient plants are metamorphic: they are smaller than normal plants, and the leaves turn brown and dead. The plants are soft and susceptible to pests and diseases.
Leaves: Beginning from the tip of the old leaf, it gradually turns yellow along the leaf's edge, and it dies. Leaf margins are charred, and there are spots of dead tissue, sometimes with curly wrinkles.
Roots and Stems: The stems are small and weak. Easy lodging.
Reproductive organs: There are more tillers and less joints, and the seed is thin.
Iron-deficient plants metamorphose: Plants are short, green, and chlorotic. Symptoms appear first in the young part of the top.
Leaves: The new young leaves are partly green and full of leaves, and the leaves die when they are severe.
Roots and Stems: Stems and roots are inhibited from growing. The fruit trees have long-term iron deficiency and the top shoots die.
Reproductive organs: The fruit is small.
Deficiency of boron-deficient plants: The plants are short, the pathological condition first appears in the young part, and the plant tip is whitish. Stems and shoots grow to death.
Leaves: New leaves are rough, light green, and often have burnt spots. The leaves turn red and the stalk veins break easily. Such as celery stem disease.
Rootstock: The stem is brittle, and the root tip and stem tip degenerate or die. The roots are short and thick, the root system is underdeveloped, and growth points often have death.
Reproductive organs: buds, flowers and ovary fall off, and fruit and seeds are not substantial. The fruit is deformed and there is a phenomenon of embolization in the pulp.
Deficiency of zinc-deficient plants: The plants are small.
Leaves: Leaves clusters formed, lacking green, new leaves are grayish green or yellow-white spots.
Roots and stems: clusters of leaves, yellow and curly. Root growth is poor.
Reproductive organs: The fruit is small or deformed. Drupes, berries have purple spots.
Understanding and mastering the symptoms of nutrient deficiency in fruits and vegetables can be applied to symptomatic fertilization and timely supplement of nutrients needed for fruits and vegetables. Appropriate application of chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers, and golden baby microbial fertilizers can effectively solve the "deficiency syndrome" of fruits. Combining the application of Fertilizer Fertilizer Fertilizer is more conducive to the growth of fruits, but also fertility.
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