The scientific name Apium graveolens L. Var. dulce DC. Alias ​​medicine celery, medicine celery, parsley. A Umbelliferae one-year or two-year herb. Take stem or root medicine. With hypotensive diuretic, cooling blood to stop the effect. It is widely cultivated throughout China.
Symptoms are also known as leaf blight. Leaf, petiole, stem can be infected. Leaf disease, one is the old leaf first disease, and then spread to the new leaf. The lesions on the leaf were scattered and varied in size ranging from 3 to 10mm in diameter, with small spots of pale brown oil stains. They gradually expanded afterwards. The central part was brownish and necrotic. The outer edges were mostly dark reddish-brown and obviously scattered in the middle. Black spots. The other is not easy to distinguish with the former. The posterior middle is yellowish-white or off-white, with many small black spots on the edges. The lesions often have a circle of yellow halos outside the lesions, with lesions of different diameters. The petiole or stem was infected, the lesion was brown, the oval was slightly sunken, and the center had scattered black dots. At present, the disease has become an important disease of celery in winter and spring protected areas, and has a great impact on the yield and quality.
Pathogen Sepproria apiicola Speg. Called celery culm and S. apii (Briosi et Cav.) Chest said celery celery and S. apii-graveolentis Dorogin called celery large shell spores, are all fungi of the subphylum Fungi. The conidiospore was buried in the epidermis and its size was 87-155.425-56 (μm). The spores and spores escaped from the orifice of the device. Spores are colorless, transparent, long-lined, blunt at the top, and septum. 0-7, mostly 3, size 35-552-3 (μm). When the conidia germinated, the septum increased or broke into several segments, the length was good, the optimum temperature for development was 20-27°C, and the growth and development slowed down above 27°C. Only attack celery.
Transmission routes and onset conditions mainly occur in the wintering of the seed coat in the seed coat or the diseased body, and survive for more than one year. Sprouting the seed with bacteria, the disease will occur immediately after emergence, and the conidia will be produced and spread and spread in the nursery pot. The pathogenic fungus that overwinters on the diseased body, in conditions of suitable temperature and humidity, produces conidiospore and conidia, and spores are transmitted to celery by wind or rain splash. The spores germinated and produced germ tubes, which were invaded by stomata or penetrating the epidermis. After 8 days of incubation, the diseased department also produced conidia to re-infect. The disease is prone to occur in cold and high humidity conditions. The temperature is 20-25°C and the disease is heavy when the humidity is high. In addition, even when it is cloudy or rainy during the day, the fog or dew at night and the temperature are too low and too high.
Control methods (1) selection of disease-resistant varieties. Such as Jinnan celery, winter celery, Xiaqin, Jinqin, Tianma, Shanghai Daqin, Ventura, American glass crisp, Celery 3, Chunfeng and so on. (2) Use disease-free seeds or sterilize diseased seeds. From the disease-free plants or the use of storage for 2 years of Chen species, such as the use of new species to be soaked in warm soup, that is, 48-49 °C warm water dip for 30 minutes, stirring while dipping, after moving into cold water cooling, drying and sowing. (3) Strengthen the management of the field, apply the base fertilizer, see the seed dressing, and enhance the plant resistance to disease. (4) Protected cultivation should pay attention to cooling and evacuation, temperature control during the day 15-30 °C, higher than 20 °C to release air in time, control at 10-15 °C at night, reduce the temperature difference between day and night, reduce condensation, avoid flooding irrigation. (5) When the height of the celery seedlings is 3cm, there is a possibility that 45% chlorothalonil smoke will be used to smoke. The dosage is: 200-250g per 667m2, or sprayed with 5% chlorothalonil dust agent, every 667m2 lkg . The open field can be sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times solution or 53.8% can kill 2000 dry suspension agent 1200 times, 64% antitoxicant wettable powder 500 times, 40% polysulfide suspension agent 500 times Liquid, 12% green butter emulsion 500 times liquid, 47% Garnett WP 500 times, every 7-10 days, continuous control 2-3 times.
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