Rice stem borer

Scientific name Chilo supperssalis (Walker) Lepidoptera, Acrididae. Alias ​​borer. It is distributed in the rice fields in the south and north of China.

Hosts include rice, corn, sugarcane, millet, broad beans, alfalfa, sorghum, rapeseed, wheat, and milk vetch. In recent years, the pest is still serious.

Injury characterized by the emergence of dry dead seedlings and dry sheaths during childbirth; damage during booting and heading stages, dry and panicles and white ears; damage during grain-filling and milk ripening periods; emergence of half-dry ear and worm-infested plants; The wind blows easily. The dead heart caused by the infestation of the stem borer, the larvae clustered on the inside of the leaf sheath for food damage, water spots on the leaf sheath outside the yellow spots, yellow leaves after the sheath, the leaves gradually died, known as dry tip period. After the larvae enter the rice stems, the tip of the flag leaves turn yellow, and the serious yellow leaves die. The infected stems have wormholes. There are few insect excrements outside the holes, and there are many insect excrements in the stems. Yellow rice stalks are easily broken. Different from the dead heart caused by the death of Daxie and Sanhua.

Morphological characteristics of moth female body length 14-16.5mm, wingspan 23-26mm, antennae filamentous, grayish yellow wings, nearly rectangular, with a small black spots along the outer edge of 7; hind wings white, abdomen gray spindle-shaped. Male moths are 13-15mm in length, 21-23mm in wingspan, one black spot in the middle of the forewing, three small black spots underneath, and a thin cylindrical belly. Egg length 1.2mm, flat oval shape, egg mass from tens to 200 grains arranged in squama shape, length 13-16mm, width 3mm, milky white to yellow-white or gray-brown. Larvae are about 6 years old. The last instar larvae have a body length of 20-30mm. The head is brown except for the upper collar, and the reddish-brown color is present. The entire body is light brown with red-brown stripes. Tenon length 10-13mm, beige to light brown or brown. District 3-4 generation, 20-24 °C area 4-5 generations, higher than 24 °C area 5-6 generations. The larvae over the age of 4 are overwintering in the rice piles, rice straw or other host stems, weeds, soil seams, etc. Temperatures above 11°C begin to phlegm, and 15-16°C adult emergence. Less than 4th instar larvae drill above the soil when the soil temperature is higher than 7°C in the following year

The stalks of winter crops such as rice piles and wheat, barley, faba bean, rape, etc.; average temperature 10-15 °C enters the transfer period, transfer to the winter crop stalks, continue to feed the inner wall, and grow to maturity, when the host On the inner wall, bite the feather hole, leaving only the epidermis, and the broken membrane drilled after emergence. Phototaxis, like the eggs produced in the leaves of the seedlings, round stalks jointed in the leaf width, stalk thick and green and green leaf sheath; newly hatched larvae first drilled into the leaf sheath cluster damage, resulting in dry sheath, after 2-3 years of age Drilled into the stalks and invaded the plants after 3rd instar. The insect has a strong ability to live and eat, and is resistant to drought, moisture and low temperature conditions. Major natural enemies have egg parasitoids and so on.

Prevention methods (1) Predict the occurrence period, the occurrence amount and the occurrence degree. (2) Agricultural control Proper arrangement of winter crops, late-maturing wheat, barley, rape, and green manure retention should be paid attention to in the late rice field where there are few insects, and the wintering base can be reduced. For the early processing of straw containing more insects, the base 10-15cm can also be cut off and burned. Irrigation and killing, that is, in the early puerperium of the second crop, using roasting, planting or shallow water, to reduce the part of the phlegm, into the peak of phlegm, suddenly deepwater irrigation more than 10cm, after 3-4 days, most of the old Mature larvae and cockroaches will be killed. (3) Breeding, planting varieties resistant to rice borers, and controlling them according to the population dynamic model. In the area of ​​multiple hairstyles in the Second Generation of the Suihua era, it is necessary

- The 3rd generation is the most serious area, and adopts the ruling of the ruling generation, picking up 2 generations, and skillfully managing 3 generations. The first generation was dominated by the onset of sheathing, and the second generation picked late-ripening early rice, single-season hybrid rice, and middle rice. The third generation of the main anti-hybrid double-season rice and early planting were successively used as aphids in late rice fields. In the early and late rice tillers or in late rice, the earlines and heading stages of late rice are 5-7 days after the egg hatching peak, the dry sheathing rate is 5% to 8% or the early rice has 667m2 with 100 strains or 1% damage rate for the center. When 1.5% or late rice is damaged by more than 100 pests, immediately use 80% insecticidal powder 35-40g or 25% insecticide bihydrate 200-250ml, 50% killer pine oil 50-100ml, 90% per 667m2 Crystal trichlorfon 100-2008 on water 75-

100kg spray, spray 1.8% of farmhouse emulsion (avermectin B1) 3000-4000 times, 42% of Trickle EC 2000 times. Can also choose 5% Ruijin special glue suspension 30ml or 20% triterpene phosphate EC 100ml, water 50 to 75kg spray or water pouring 200-250kg. 400 kg of water can also be poured with a large amount of water poured, in addition can also be used 25% of insecticidal double agent 200-250ml or 5% insecticidal double granules 1-1.5kg mixed wet dry fine soil 20kg made of medicinal soil, applied to On rice seedlings, keeping 3-5cm shallow water layer for 3-5 days can improve the control effect. In addition, the insecticides were made into large granules, and the conventional sprays were changed to dip fields in the past. The use of the drug-containing floating carrier control method can improve the control effect. Insecticide dual prevention and control of Scarabae can also be used in the treatment of Daphnia magna, S. indica, C. medinalis, and so on. It has high lethality to large-scale larvae and flexible application period, but it should be taken care of to prevent silkworm poisoning.

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