The phenotype matching is quality matching, which can be divided into individual matching and grade matching.
1, individual selection. Individual matching is to consider matching rams for each ewes. It is mainly used for super ewes. If there is only a small number of ewes, this option can also be used. Because special-grade and first-class ewes are the essence of breeds, the heart of the sheep has a great relationship with the further improvement of breeds; at the same time, because these ewes reach a higher level of production, it is generally difficult to continue to raise them. Each ewes is characterized by its careful selection of rams. In addition, individuals with certain special traits may be selected for individual breeding purposes.
Individual matching should follow the following basic principles
(1) Ewes that meet the ideal type requirements and have some outstanding advantages. For ewes with good growth and development, early maturation, good meat performance and high lambing rate, special and first-grade rams with the same characteristics should be selected in order to obtain offspring with these outstanding advantages.
(2) The first-level ewes that meet the ideal requirements must be matched with the ideal ram. Ideal ewes should be matched with the same species, the same direction, a special ram, in order to obtain better offspring than ewes.
(3) For ewes with certain outstanding advantages, but also have some traits are not ideal, with the ideal ram. If the body is very large and the wool is very long, but the ewes with poor wool density, they should choose to stand out in the density of wool, and the excellent rams with good physique and long hair traits should be mated with them in order to obtain both good quality and excellent quality. Traits can also correct their lack of offspring.
2, grade matching. The ewes below level 2 have various advantages and disadvantages. They should select suitable rams according to the comprehensive characteristics of each level in order to consolidate the common advantages of the ranks and improve the common disadvantages. Optional. For example, the shortcomings of the three-level sheep of the Lester region in the frontier area are the smaller size and the short and fine wool. The body should be large in size, the body size should be good, and the length of wool grown in 12 months should be more than 17cm. In 40 to 46 special tier 1 rams mate with them.
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